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The Fallen Brothers Memorial Scholarship Program

Our former Tim Holiga scholarship has been reorganized for 2023.  There is still a Tim Holiga scholarship, but it and others to be honored now fall under the umbrella of our Fallen Brothers Memorial Scholarship Program. The individual scholarships are named in memory of our departed Freemason and Widows Sons Brothers.  In our efforts to turn a negative into a positive we decided to memorialize brothers by presenting awards in their name to local deserving youth.   This program is funded with the Fallen Brothers Ride, and other donations annually. While we are a small group we hope to use this scholarship program to make a large impact with some financial contributions to local youth who are continuing their educational path to success.

The 2024 application period closed on May 15th

The committee has all our applications for review and the winners contacted soon. 

Good Luck to all!

Donation goal

Goal: $1,000.00
Collected: $40.00
Between now and May 2024, help us raise funds for even more Memorial Scholarship's which are given to our local graduating seniors!

Please visit our Donate page (here) to make your contribution today!

Mailing Address:
2840 State Route 665
London, OH 43140

Solomons Sevens Chapter, a  501(c)10 fraternal organization.              Copyright 2007-2024

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