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Our Chapter

Solomons Sevens is one of the oldest and largest chapters in Ohio. We technically cover the area of Madison, Clark, and Champaign counties which make up the 9th Masonic District although we have members from Columbus to Dayton, Bellefontaine to Xenia. The chapter has many experienced riders and senior Freemasons, in addition to many newer riders, and young Freemasons from over 15 different lodges. The variety of motorcycle brands and styles covers a wide spectrum.

Our Chapter Name “Solomons Sevens” was adopted as recognition of our Masonic Heritage and reminds us to act in the character of our ancient brethren, how the principles of freemasonry cross all boundaries; of countries, opinions, and even time. Importantly it also alludes to our charter; as Seven members met on July 07, 2007 at 7 p.m. to found this local chapter. During this meeting there were numerous ‘seven’ occurrences and it was deemed that this should always be remembered. The evening was closed with the toast of a ‘seven and seven’ with seven straws. Across our fifteen year history many 'seven' occurrences have been documented and happen often for our members to keep our traditions alive.

Ohio Widows Sons

The Ohio Widows Sons was established in 2006 in Cincinnati and in just a few years has grown rapidly.  In 2009 due to the rapid expansion our Grand Chapter was re-organized to its current form. At the Grand Lodge communication of 2010 we petitioned and received official recognition of the Grand Lodge of Ohio under Grand Master MWB Terry Posey.  The Widows Sons chapters, and the state organization support many Lodge, Shrine, Scottish Rite and fraternal related organizations and events. In addition each chapter is active in their local area with scholarships, fundraisers, and supporting other civic groups and charitable efforts. 

Currently there are over 600 Widows Sons members spread across 25 chapters in the state of Ohio.                                           Ohio Widows Sons Website


Here is some shots from our events......

AMA Charter Club

  • Since 2017 Solomons Sevens has  held a 'social club' charter with AMA.

  • The AMA is the largest non-profit in the US with over 212,000 members worldwide.

  • The American Motorcycle Association strives to protect motorcyclist rights at the  local, state and federal levels.

  • Since 1924 the AMA has promoted training, education and safety.

  • Members benefits include: road side assistance, discounts, monthly magazine and many others.

 American Motorcyclist Association Website


Our primary fundraising project is the Fallen Brothers Memorial Scholarship.  Brother Tim Holiga was killed while riding due to negligence of another driver, and we've lost others over the years. To honor and 'pay it forward' in their name we have this program.

(more details on the scholarship tab)


Every year our chapter conducts this ride to remember our departed brothers and we invite others to come join us in celebrating the lives that we can no longer enjoy.  We plan a nice ride, some fun, music, a meal and raffles etc. All the proceeds for this ride go into the scholarship program! 

(watch our events tab for this year's details)


During the Holiday Season you may see our members asking for donations of Toys, or funds to purchase Toys. At our annual members Christmas party we take up a collection and make a date to donate them to a local organization. Last year it was the Springfield Area Salvation Army.  You can help!. Make a donation on our donate page, use the 'contact us' information, or just reach out to any member with your unwrapped new toy's.

Charitable Donations

Please use the donate tab on our website to help with our charitable efforts! - you can designate it towards our different causes.
Goal: $1,000.00
Collected: $650.00

Upcoming events

Mailing Address:
2840 State Route 665
London, OH 43140

Solomons Sevens Chapter, a  501(c)10 fraternal organization.              Copyright 2007-2024

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